
Showing posts from November, 2019

Emotional Wellness

Are you well? Are you emotionally well? Stress, family problems, financial woes, relationship problems, children, job insecurity, high stress jobs, toxic people, trauma and unhealed wounds can all cause us to carry mental and emotional baggage. Often times we stuff our feelings, we bury our emotions, push through the pain and force a smile. After a while the baggage becomes a weighted mental burden. Soon the weight becomes too heavy to bare causing us to crash and burn, leading to a panic attack, anxiety attack or even worse a mental break. Addressing those issues whether from trauma, loss, depression or anxiety is crucial to maintaining "Emotional Wellness". It is important to have an outlet or someone to talk to, to unpack that baggage, lighten the load and de-stress. If you aren’t feeling emotionally well it is critical to seek help from a mental health professional. “Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is ...