
Showing posts from 2019

Notes To My Younger Self 💃🏽

                                                         #15yearchallenge  The picture on the left was taken 15 years ago!  It feels like a lifetime has gone by. This picture brings back memories both good and bad. I have definitely come a long way and learned many valuable life lessons.  I had some time to reflect on my life and I’ve compiled a list of lessons learned in the last 15 years. In retrospect, I would have done so many things differently. But life is about learning from mistakes, moving forward, striving to make better decisions and striving to become a better version of yourself.  Hindsight is always 20/20 but every  now and then it’s good to look back and take inentory   over your life to put things into perspective. I’m grateful for this journey and proud of the person I’ve bec...

Emotional Wellness

Are you well? Are you emotionally well? Stress, family problems, financial woes, relationship problems, children, job insecurity, high stress jobs, toxic people, trauma and unhealed wounds can all cause us to carry mental and emotional baggage. Often times we stuff our feelings, we bury our emotions, push through the pain and force a smile. After a while the baggage becomes a weighted mental burden. Soon the weight becomes too heavy to bare causing us to crash and burn, leading to a panic attack, anxiety attack or even worse a mental break. Addressing those issues whether from trauma, loss, depression or anxiety is crucial to maintaining "Emotional Wellness". It is important to have an outlet or someone to talk to, to unpack that baggage, lighten the load and de-stress. If you aren’t feeling emotionally well it is critical to seek help from a mental health professional. “Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is ...

"Don't Let Overwhelm Be A Roadblock to Your Success"

Life can be hard. The journey through life can be overwhelmly rough, riddled with obstacles, disappointments, heartache and pain. Some of us will constantly find ourselves treading through rough and rugged terrain. Feeling overwhelmed by life's difficulties may cause us to switch paths and move onto "easy street". It may even seem easier to walk away, give up and  move on to the "next best thing". However, the easier road is NOT always the best road. The truth is that every time we  flee to the path of "least resistance" we are seeking comfort and averting growth. There is no growth in being comfortable, it is the path of the "greatest resistance" that makes you stronger and grow. So how do you handle "life" when your journey becomes overwhelmingly difficult? Do you change paths or power though the pitfalls and potholes in life? Like most people I hated and dreaded the feeling of being overwhelmed. I just wanted ...